Supported by the Pro Scientia et Arte Foundation and Les Amis des Sommets Musicaux de Gstaad
The Sommets Musicaux de Gstaad have always strived to foster young talent by providing mentoring and support. Thus, from the outset, they programmed a series of concerts to be presented in the Gstaad chapel by young, up-and-coming players of a same instrument but of different nationalities.
The yearly prize rewards one of the young hopefuls with the opportunity to record a CD with orchestra to be produced by Claves Records, which secures a wide circulation.
This prize winner will experience microphones, the collaboration with a conductor, orchestra musicians, an artistic director, and sound engineers… and the joy of a wide audience, at last!
The achievements of our laureates are there to remind us of the importance of supporting promising careers from their early beginnings. May our patrons be thanked for keeping this path open for us.
The Prix Thierry Scherz is a tribute to the co-founder and former Artistic Director of the festival.